
the original me

Dear God,

Thank you for giving everything, white or black, good or bad...

I have the best papa and mama, sisters and little brother. I love them very much, but I just don't know how to express..

I've loved someone very much, but it's too difficult, too painful.. We are miles away. Love sometimes can't do everything. So the best way is to be friends for the rest life time.

I have some very good friends surrounding me, but I didn't do anything good as they do to me. I feel shame, I feel bad, I feel guilty. I DO love them and I can do everything for them.......

These days Good things happen all the time, but I just worry about the bad things coming after that. I can't forget to keep the original, the real myself.

As a medical student, I have to learn harder, study harder for the well-being of human, I never forget that..Carry the love with me.

Thank you for the kindness, dear God.

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